Legends Poker Room, Houston — A Fun Night at the Poker Room; Always Legendary Action at Legends

Legends Poker Room, Houston — armed robbery; it’s a little hard to make out, but you see a person in black holding a long rifle and a large bag.

Well, the fun (and by fun, we mean terror) continues at Legends Poker Room in Houston — an active shooter event. A guy in all black with a long gun and some sort of duffle bag went into Legends to rob the place. He was slinging his gun around, scooping up cash and generally behaving menacingly.

Legends Poker Room, Houston, patrons dive under the tables.

Players at the tables saw him and literally dove under the tables. It’s amazing that this place hasn’t been shut down. Just check out all the police activity in other posts on this site detailing what goes on there on a continual basis.

A guy recently was murdered in the parking lot outside the Legends Poker Room. Just steps away from the front door. He was sprawled on this back on the parking lot, just a couple feet away from his car door. (More on that murder in a separate upcoming post.)

Just awful stuff happens there on a monthly, weekly, and almost daily basis, whether it’s directly or indirectly associated with Legends. Dangerous stuff. Citizen-threatening stuff. And no one cares about it or does anything about it? That’s just as awful. Mr. Mayor, City Council, do you not care about your city or the kind of businesses that exist there that endanger citizens going in and out of that parking lot?

Somehow, this has got to end.


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