We’re waiting for the concertina wire to be strung, the Klieg lights to go up, and the armed guards to be stationed out in front of Stalag 17 here in Houston — sorry, not Stalag 17, we mean Legends Poker Room in Houston, Texas.
Seriously. Legends has to resort to THIS to deal with the crime problems associated with their poker room? Or do they have someone stationed in this guard tower to alert management and/or the owners about a raid on their place?
Here’s an idea: how about just run a straight-up legit poker room that operates within the laws of both Houston and Texas. Maybe try not to attract the criminal element with the way you allegedly skirt the laws. When it comes to your fiduciary responsibilities — like reporting earnings, selling booze, having appropriate licensing, and paying taxes. You know, typical legit business stuff.
Sooner or later, someone’s going to break through your crack security — guard tower or not — and do some serious damage to persons and property. Let’s be clear, this is in no way a threat, it’s just that your spot has a clear and consistent track record when it comes to crime. It’s clearly headed in that direction given the calls for police assistance that go out from your location on 9275 Richmond Ave. in Houston pretty much weekly. You really should button things up before it’s too late.